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A hard tablet to crack – making pills

July, 2024

Danny van der Haven, "A hard tablet to crack – making pills", Materials World: the Health Issue (IOM3 magazine), June 2024

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Micropatterned luminescent films – not a simple case of adding a luminophore to the mix!

June, 2024

H. Tunstall-García, T. Lawson, K. A. Benincasa, A. W. Prentice, K. Saravanamuttu, and R. C. Evans, "Interplay of Luminophores and Photoinitiators during Synthesis of Bulk and Patterned Luminescent Photopolymer Blends", ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2024)

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Dealing with your neighbours: Grain interactions during plasticity

June, 2024

Ball, J.A.D., Kareer, A., Magdysyuk, O.V., Michalik, S., Connolley, T., Collins D.M., " Revealing per-grain and neighbourhood stress interactions of a deforming ferritic steel via three-dimensional X-ray diffraction", Communications Materials 5 (2024) 27

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Driving Phase Switching with Light in Liquid Crystals

June, 2024

B. E. Jones, J. L. Greenfield, N. Cowieson, M. J. Fuchter and Rachel C. Evans, “Light-Driven Hexagonal-to-Cubic Phase Switching in Arylazopyrazole Lyotropic Liquid Crystals”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 146 (2024) 12315-12319

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Lithium Loss in Vacuum Deposited Thin Films

May, 2024

Adam J. Lovett, Ahmed Kursumovic, and Judith L. MacManus-Driscoll, "Lithium Loss in Vacuum Deposited Thin Films", ACS Energy Lett. 9 4 (2024) 1753–1758

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