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July, 2024

Danny van der Haven, a 3rd-year PhD student in the Macromolecular Materials Lab, has been featured on the cover of Materials World for his groundbreaking work on modelling materials science challenges in drug manufacturing.

In his article, Danny delves into the complexities of creating mechanically stable powder compacts that contain the precise amount of active pharmaceutical compounds. This is a critical issue in the pharmaceutical industry, as inaccuracies can lead to significant delays and increased costs in drug development. Danny's innovative approach enables the rapid deployment of new formulations using minimal material, significantly accelerating the delivery of vital medications to the public.

Danny's research was conducted under the guidance of Prof. James Elliott from the University of Cambridge and Dr. Ioannis Fragopoulos from Novo Nordisk, with generous funding from Novo Nordisk.

Danny van der Haven, "A hard tablet to crack – making pills", Materials World: the Health Issue (IOM3 magazine), June 2024

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