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100 Years of Books - watch online!

29 April 2021

Missed our latest centenary celebration event? Watch (or rewatch!) our event exploring the stories behind the books published by members of the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy over the last 100 years!  Find the recording online: https://...

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Emilie Ringe wins JPC award

13 April 2021

Dr Emilie Ringe has won one of three The Journal of Physical Chemistry (JPC) and PHYS Division Lectureship Awards.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry– PHYS Division Lectureship Awards honor the contributions of investigators who have made major impacts on the field of physical...

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New centenary event in April!

23 March 2021

Our next centenary event is being held on 15 April 2021!   We invite you to join Professor Sir Harry Bhadeshia, Tata Steel Professor of Metallurgy, Professor Zoe Barber, and Joe Smith as they explore the scholarship, effort, and stories behind the books published by members of the Department...

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Information for current students - Easter Term 2021

16 March 2021

As usual, all Coronavirus-related information for students is available at:

We would like to draw the following information, from those webpages, to the attention of our current students...

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Professor Ruth Cameron awarded a Suffrage Science Award

10 March 2021

Congratulations to Professor Ruth Cameron who has become the recipient of a 2021 Suffrage Science Award (Engineering and Physical Sciences).

The Suffrage Science scheme celebrates women in science for their scientific achievement and for their ability to inspire others. It encourages...

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Cambridge Festival 2021

22 February 2021

The Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy is delighted to be able to participate in the first Cambridge Festival in 2021.  We are offering a range of pre-recorded talks with live Q&A sessions during 26 March to 4 April 2021.  Bookings are open from today!  ...

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International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021!

11 February 2021

"You can be what the hell you like, but it’s hard to become something when there’s nobody you can look up to or identify with."

This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Professor Rachel Oliver shares her life-long passion for finding out “why the world was the way it was”...

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Information for current students - Lent Term 2021

07 January 2021

Current students should consult the University's coronavirus information webpages - - for more information on how the academic year will progress.  Particular notice should be paid to the Vice-Chancellor's...

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Physics World Top 10 Breakthroughs of 2020!

11 December 2020

Prof Chris Pickard, Dr Bartomeu Monserrat & collaborators have made it into the Physics World Top 10 Breakthroughs of 2020 for their calculations showing that the upper limit on the speed of sound in solids and liquids depends on just two dimensionless quantities!  A great achievement!

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Watch our first 100th anniversary event online!

23 November 2020

Thank you to the Chairs, panelists, and the 262 participants who joined us for our first virtual event celebrating the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy's 100th anniversary. This was the first of several events we will be hosting this year to celebrate 100 years of Materials...

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